Archive for December 2016
Nine New Year’s Resolutions For The Motivated Conference Professional
As we look at closing the books on 2016 and starting a fresh new chapter in 2017, have you given any thought to making some resolutions for your conference and event business? It’s fun to reminisce about your past successes, but it can be a bit more challenging to identify what needs tweaked or revamped to continue…
Read MoreA Simple Way to Attract New Conference Business By Bundling
With another year almost under our belts this is a good time to reflect on the good things and not so good things that have occurred over the last 12 months. This is also the perfect time to consider looking at different ways to attract new customers to your venue. One method is to look at…
Read MorePlaying the Procurement Game: Using Sole Source Contracting To Get The Software You Need
When looking at making any sort of purchase at your venue, especially software, it can be a daunting endeavor no doubt. The purchasing process is like the game of Chess, strategy is key to winning and knowing the rules are critical to your success. The hoops you need to jump through or committees that need…
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