How Venue Management Software Can Help in the Age of COVID-19
Our venue management software is designed to provide event professionals and venues with all the information they need to organize successful events. Like so many industries, the event industry has been rocked to its core due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, more than ever, event managers and venues need venue management software they can trust. It’s always been important to stay organized but now the health of guests depends on It. Below we will detail a few ways our venue management software is helping venues and event professionals adhere to compliance regulations that are updated regularly for the safety of all guests and staff members.
Creativity is paramount in these times as venues are forced to adjust to social distancing guidelines and indoor guest capacity limitations. In order to get the most out of an event space, our venue management software allows you to change the capacity number within a space and test out different design formats virtually. Before a table is physically moved, all possible options can be explored virtually. This is even more beneficial for venues that are starting to explore spaces that they never utilized before. For instance, outdoor patios, rooftops, and parking lots are now being leveraged as Covid-19 rules and regulations are more lenient with outdoor spaces. Different layout options can also be presented to clients before they agree on booking a venue. This provides a great sales tool as they are bound to have questions about whether their meeting or event is even possible in this climate. Providing a virtual layout can calm fears and unlock countless possibilities.
Everyone in the event industry knows that their reputation is on the line when it comes to the appearance and cleanliness of their space. With increased health concerns, venues and managers alike should take advantage of their venue management software to block out times for thorough cleanings in between events.
Most contracts will need to be updated to cover the liability presented by COVID-19. Guests should know that a venue is not responsible for anyone contracting the virus during the event they attend. While a venue that adheres to all compliance issues drastically reduces the potential of someone contracting the virus, a venue should still cover their bases. Our venue management software makes it easy to update contract language. The entire contracting process can be managed online from emailing out the new terms to having the client virtually sign off on the agreement. Also, all event guests can be accounted for in our venue management software. Should, for whatever reason, a person in attendance come down with the virus, the venue can then use the contact information gathered in our software to reach out to all attendees to ensure they monitor their health and maintain social distancing for 14 days.
We have only touched on some of the ways that our venue management software can assist you. To learn more, reach out to our team of experts at 814-254-2256.